W/salaam brother Firstly if you are not a “regular Muslim” and don’t know the basic masaail, tahaarah, salaah, fasting etc then it would be best to sit for itikaaf in a musjid where a sheikh or aalim has structured programs chalked out for the day. You will benefit tremendously. Your time will be well spent. If you are a practicing Muslim and know the basics of deen how to read Qur’an etc then you can sit alone and set your own targets for the 10 days. I will just give some general advice insha Allah: 1. Before sitting read the rules pertaining to itikaaf 2. Set achievable targets. Fix the amount of Qur’an, Durood zikr ect you want to read 3. Keep a few good books to read. Books that inspire and motivate you. Books on the seerah of Nabi (saw) of Ambiyaa (as) Sahabah (ra) etc 4. Make sure you are up well before salaah times, so that you are ready for salaah before the people come for salaah 5. Make sure you never miss takbeer e ula and salaah in the first saff 6. Make taubah from sins 7. Seek protection from jahunnum and entry into jannah I will be sitting this year for the first time as well. My target for the 10 days insha Allah is: 1. One khatam of Qur’an daily 2. 10,000 Durood Sharief 3. 3000 Kalima Tayyiba 4. 3000 Istighfar I will not sleep at night. I will sleep after ishraaq till about an hour before zohr (approx 5 hours) May Allah accept our itikaaf and make it a turning point in our lives. Do remember me in your duas during itikaaf