My first message to my Shiekh
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07-23-2011, 05:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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My first message to my Shiekh
Few years back, I got a news from my friend that Shiekh Zulfiqar Ahmed db is coming to our city and will be giving a bayan. At that time, all i knew was that he is a big name in tasawuff so i was very much excited and decided to attend his majlid. After the bayan, people took bayt to him and so did i. Then after leaving the majlis, i dint care what i had done and hence dint start my first lesson with his Khalifa.
Fromt that time till now , i was in touch with 'White cops' (Tableeghi Jamat), was going to the Markaz weekly and had started to grow a beard. But then suddenly, being a student (still dependent) , i faced some ahwaal from my family and relatives and i was banned from going to the jamaat. No more khuroojs meant my imaan level became weaker and weaker.
I used to come on sunniforum almost daily, dint posted much but used to read different threads and topics. Then one fine day i saw one user whose signature read
"Tasawuf ki ibtida hai
Ina mul a'malu bin niyat
aur tasawuf ki inteha hai ke to is tarah namaz parh jaise to Allah ko dekh raha hai"
I would like to thank this user from bottom of my heart for showing me an alternative. So i decided to contact one of the khalifas of my shiekh. I googled and found one khalifa of my shiekh in my city. I messaged him saying that i want to start my first lesson and that i had taken bayt to Shk. Zulfiqar db few years back.
I got a reply saying,
Wa alaikum assalam (myname)
please tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Did you take bayah with him with the whole group? Where are you from.
Insha Allah will talk further
In need of duas
It felt soo good, its been ages since someone said to me 'tell me a little about yourself' i was so excited i replied him with a big message
Wallahi it feels so good reading an email from the khalifa. I was wondering what would be my feelings when i get to meet him , inshALLAH.
I would like to get some advice. What to do and What not to do.
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