Worried about my father and my own life.
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07-26-2011, 09:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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The following is an extract from the book "Aashiq e Sawdiq" - The true Love of Allah
by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb. You can download it from
The message of tonight’s talk is that we need to make a concerted effort to develop this steam of Divine love. Until we do not acquire and conserve this steam of Love within ourselves, everything we do will remain Zaahiri (external).
…It really stuns a person, but all that can be done sometimes is resort to fervent and sincere du’aa that Allah Ta’ala grants to us such Imaan that impels us in the right direction and keeps us steadfast.
Just this afternoon, a young person, with a beard, Deeni libaas (attire) and who is a five-time namazi requested me for permission to shave his beard. Why ? …Due to an application which was made for a visa to a certain country. The person in charge of the department told him that he stands no chance with his beard.
So he said : “I just want permission to shave my beard and get the application through. Once I’ve got my papers, I’ll keep my beard again.”
I said: “Bhai, have I made the Shariah that I can give you permission to shave your beard ? …What of the displeasure of Allah? If you want to shave and displease Allah Ta’ala, why make me a partner in your sin ?”
This is the point I’m trying to make : Just Salaah, Zikr, some Deen work, a little Da’wah and Tabligh, or a short visit to the Khanqa, is not sufficient. The necessary element is the steam of Divine love.
This Imaani steam is only obtained from the hearts of those who have the reality of it in their hearts. In the company of those whose hearts are aflame with the love of Allah Ta’ala, we too will get that steam. Otherwise, Shaytaan will easily convince us to indulge in Haraam in spite of our work of Deen.
…So I asked this person as to what guarantee he has that Izraeel (‘Alaihis Salaam) won’t extract his soul while the razor is moving down his face. What guarantee does he have that even if he gets those documents, he will live to see a few more months, so that the beard grows one fist length?
Alhamdulillah, this brother made sincere taubah from this sin and kept his beard.
A doctor had mentioned that he made an application, in a certain country, for a post available some years back. He too was told the same thing : People will not give him much consideration because of his beard and kurta. He was told that if he shaved his beard and wore a suit, he would get some prominence. So he said that he fell for the temptation. He shaved his beard, wore the suit and went for the interview.
He is a pious doctor, a namazi with concern for Deen and Shariah but he fell for the temptation of Shaytaan and nafs and shaved his beard.
He related : “I swear Maulana that I am speaking the truth. That same night, I saw Rasulullah (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam) in a dream and he stared at my face with anger. I could see the anger on his face. When he walked into the room, in my dream, the room became brightly lit. He then stared at me; his face, red with anger. He then suddenly left and the room went dark. And I got up with a fright.”
He didn’t know what to do and it worried him greatly. Of course, he grew his beard again and made sincere taubah from shaving his beard in future.
Naturally, it should go without saying, that Islam is not just the beard. Islamic teachings cover all aspects of life.
So the message is simply that we develop this steam of Divine Love. Whilst it is not necessarily achieved and realized instantaneously, at least we have become aware of it. ‘Sulook’ entails some effort.
May Allah Ta’ala give to us that intense love for Him, so much so that it becomes extremely easy to do that which is pleasing to Him and stay away from everything which is Haraam and forbidden.
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