Worried about my father and my own life.
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08-20-2011, 07:16 AM
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Oct 2005
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Allah swt will reward you for your sabr. Be patient, you are doing amazingly well.
Now I am not a scholar, so I will not speak as a scholar, you can furnish your own hadees and aya from what i say next.
Your father came to this country for certain reasons, I mean I am presuming you are of 'immigrant' stock, apologies if you are not. A lot of people when they came here had very certain expectations of what they wanted from here. My father brought us to the UK for the 'education system'. I'm sorry to say but he was severely misguided in that, for me gaining an 'education' in a jahiliya environment nearly fatally damaged my imaan. But alhumdullilah, after my 'education', I started becoming a better muslim. Why am I talking about this? Because you have to remember the background your father comes from. In British India for example, religious, pious muslims were SYSTEMATICALLY denigrated and marginalised.
Look at the examples, in the UK we have the concept of PHDs. This is a degree you can pick up in 3 years. Look at how knowledgeable our Shaykhs are. Being in education for 7 years is just a BASIC requirement for them, and thats not even considered a PHD by 'Brit' standards. Look how incredibly knowledgeable our ulema were and are. But they didnt have PHDs no, they were marginalised. Even with 20 years of education, incredible amounts of memorisation, they were cast aside in the name of 'modernity' under the yoke of British rule.
Instead of being leaders of their worlds, they were pushed to the side. Instead the Brits promoted people who aped them. People who looked like them (light skin good for example), dressed like them (why wear islamic clothes when a suit gets you places), and shaved like them (Brits had mustaches not beards).
Now people from south asia, our elders carried a LOT of this cultural baggage. They saw the Brits in India were the peak of 'civilisation'. If you can, speak with someone who migrated to the UK in the 50s, they didnt even understand that white people could be dustbin men, thats how brainwashed they were.
Anyway, I think I will allow you to fill in a lot of the blanks here with your own family history. My point is, a lot of people came to the UK for material benefit. When you do something like wear a beard, it completely disabuses them of that notion. Its not only a direct challenge of parental authority, its an attack on the reasons they came here. And when the ego (nafs) gets inflamed, it is VERY hard for us to ever admit we are wrong.
Now I am not saying this about your family, please understand. What I am asking you to do is, step out of your body for a moment. Think about what your dad is doing as an outsider. After all that is why you are posting here. But we ourselves can never know your family as good as you can. So do that, take a deep breath and think about what is happening.
About the beard, it is very good for you to wear a beard yes. But if it is too difficult, remember there must be a thousand other tasks which you can work on in the meantime to improve your deen. Just a suggestion but perhaps you can work on those and become strong in them and have sabr on the beard?
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