Western Scientists are in awe of Divine Beauty
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08-19-2011, 05:44 AM
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Oct 2005
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Western scientists who see divine beauty among the creations , often face problems.
Check this for more.
If you needed confirmation that humanity is satanically possessed, rent Ben Stein's 2008 documentary, "Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed."
It documents how scientists who see an intelligent force at work in nature are being fired from their jobs.
They are being slandered as "Creationists" and religious fundamentalists. Any mention of "Intelligent Design" is forbidden.
Isn't this appalling? Science is supposed to explain the complex intelligence manifest in the natural world, not deny that it exists.
The offending scientists are not "religious." They simply know that a single cell is more complex than an atom bomb. Obviously, an amazing intelligence is at work. Call it God or Intelligent Design. Call it "John Doe" - but you can't deny it!
Some people think I'm a Christian or a religious Jew. I am neither. Like these scientists, I can see the obvious. Creation is a miracle which didn't happen by accident. It's governed by laws which scientists and metaphysicians are supposed to discern.
But mention "intelligent design" today and your career is over. Why are "secularists" so afraid of intelligent design?
Because they're funded by the Illuminati, (Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc.) who are Satanists. Satanists fear that acceptance of this "intelligence" will interfere with the makeover they're giving humanity. They think they are God.
Secularism pretends to be about freedom and tolerance but that's a ruse. It is Satanism in disguise and nothing freaks a Satanist more than
the rumor of God or anything resembling Him.
Watch the trailer! The secularists are more fanatical than any religious cult. They are a satanic cult. They deny the obvious! They have to expel scientists! They have to stop free inquiry and debate!
"Is man an angel or an ape?"
The Illuminati use Darwinism to reduce man from a potential angel (the religious view) to an ape. They created Darwin to replace the Divine Presence with a cruel and random universe governed by survival of the fittest. Darwinism empowered the Illuminati. They imposed it on us.
Intelligent Design empowers humanity. We're not talking about the "God of the Old Testament," the straw-man that pathetic atheists easily debunk. We're talking about something most of us both intuit and desire, a method and purpose to creation, a way of living conducive to health and happiness, a Moral Order.
This is anathema to our Illuminutty guardians who are busily taking God's place, enthroning their little mascot Lucifer.
If you doubt me, watch this documentary. It shows very clearly that this leads to Eugenics and the view people are "useless" eaters who can be bred, trained or killed with impunity. It is the end of free will and morality.
You will also see we have been overtaken by Communism. "Truth" is no longer objective, but is instead defined by political diktat.
God must feel like a loving parent whose favorite child has chosen to deny Him.
The Creator has given us everything we need to flourish so long as we follow the instruction manual.
But devil worshipers who wish to turn Creation on its head have made us their mental prisoner. They are responsible for the slaughter of millions. They still control the world.
Ultimately, there are only two parties. God's party and Satan's. The Party of God believes in inherent salutary natural and spiritual laws. The Party of Satan believes in denying and defying these laws; and perverting and destroying human life.
Yes Virginia, there is no Satan. But there are legions of his disciples ready to betray truth for transitory profit. They're in academia, the mass media, government and the National Academy of "Sciences."
They serve the Prince of Lies. They make evil seem good, lies seem true. They want humanity to be an accomplice in its own demise. This is why Satanists "reveal the method." They want our moral complicity.
They want our souls.
Modern Western history is the record of the overthrow of Christianity by Satanism disguised as secularism. Satanism has pervaded every aspect of our cultural and intellectual life but we hoped that science would be spared. Apparently, this is not to be.
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