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08-11-2011, 08:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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Please Donate Towards The Crisis In Somalia/Kenya. Some Places Which Were Visited - Animals Are Lying On The Floor - Its Like A Semi Desert - Some Say It Reminds Them Of The Sahabas And Of The Difficulty They Went Through - Thats Why Its So Important To Give Zakaat.
Rasulullah SAW has said, "The nation that does not give Zakaat, Allah will bring about a drought on them (i.e. necessities of life, will become scarce.)"
Some Places Visited Animals Are On The Floor Dead..... Some Places The Charity Workers Are Told That " You Are The 1st Muslims To Come And Help " ...... "The Muslims Only Give A Limited Ammount "
And When The Christians Come They Ask " How Much Would You Like"
Some Said That When The Non Muslims Go To Give Aid" They Say That Naaooodhooobillah That There Is No Islam
Please Donate Brothers And Sisters
"We have met a woman who is 78 years old, who had walked for three months from Somalia and didn't know where the rest of her family were."
"When you see these people it's so emotional, but you can't show it because you have to be strong for them.
"There was a child who was less than a year old and his body was so tiny, just like so many others.
"I just wanted to cuddle him after all he had been through.
"When we turned up at the camps, we were surrounded because people thought we had arrived with food."
The men gave what they had with them – oranges and sweets – to some children in the camp.
"They didn't know what to do with the oranges and they started eating the sweets with the wrappers still on.
"People were fighting over the plastic carrier bags we had with us, I suppose for them to use as some kind of protection from the sun. Families are turning up with absolutely nothing but the clothes they are wearing – it's so upsetting."
Source Of Some Of The Last Quotes:
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