Allamah Saeed Ahmed Khan Saab (RA)
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08-13-2011, 10:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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If Hadhrat ever said something along that lines, it would be not a very far-fetched statement. If you think it's an exaggeration, just consider the following Hadith:
Sayyidina Abu Hurairah
narrates that he heard the Prophet
saying: "To spend an hour in the path of Allah is better than to stand in prayers i the Night of Power
in front of the Black Stone
." [Ibn-e-Hibban: 463/10] Now, we definitely have no problem with the words of Rasulullah
, but it feels difficult for us to accept the fact that someone in Gusht is actually in the path of Allah. And of course the statement of Hadhrat would not fit every person in Gusht, but depends on the mindset, sincerity and concern a person performs the Gusht with.
Lastly, didn't Rumi also say "Suhbat of the Ahlullah is better than 100 years of sincere Ibaadah"?
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