I am on th edge, please help
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08-10-2011, 02:22 PM
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Oct 2005
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I am on th edge, please help
Assalamu alaikum,
I have some issues going on for which I need advice. I looked on the internet and on this forum but haven't found the answers relevant to my particular situation.
I have some embarassing questions but I am getting so frustrated that it affects my worship. I would greatly appreciate your help and understanding.
1. Very frequently I have this feeling that I passed gas. It's just a feeling that a tiny little bubble just passed. It's very very minute but happens very often. No noise or smell, not even an actual feeling of passing gas like one would normally have. I don't know if i am making any sense here, but it feels like tiny bubble or maybe 2. Does this break my wudu. I am hanafi. It happens so often that sometimes right after wudu or when I start salat. Should I just ignore it? or do wudu again?
2. I have the problem of frequent urination. I have tried modern medicine but to no success, surgery is a last resort success rate for which is questionable. Frequent urination runs in my family but is worse for me. I drink as little water as possible, barely 2 glasses a day. My problem is every 20-30 minutes I get this urge to relieve myself, sometimes it happens every 10-15 minutes. Some days are so bad that the urge is almost constant. I have read that when one has the urge to go to bathromm or when one is hungry they should not pray, as that affects concentration and should pray only after they have relieved themselves. Keeping this in mind, I always feel that my salat is no good because I almost always have this urge to relieve myself. Is it okay to pray like that?
Once I use the bathroom,I am fine for 10 minutes or sometimes just 5, and then again the urge starts developing. I finish the salat but if I want to read quran or do extra salat, it gets very frustrating having to make wudu so often. Is it okay to pray while having this constant feeling.
Especialy now during ramadan, after suhur, I have to use the bathroom every 10 mins atleast 5-6 times and thereafter every 30 mins. Thus I pray fajr, just barely making it and rush to the bathroom, and do wudu and come back and read a qlittle quran and have to rush again, this continues thruout fajr time and it gets very frustrating and I end up just praying my fajr salat and no other worship.
Also if someone has herbal remedy or anything that would help me with these problems, I will be very grateful.
Jazak Allah Khair.
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