I am on th edge, please help
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08-16-2011, 01:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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Sister Saihah
MashAllah ou have some excellent advice there, and i'd just like to add two things that will put things more into perspective of what your experiencing
it is said that the shaytan [i think there is a hadith to that effect] even puts his finger in people's [who are performing salaat] anus and makes that 'pop' feeling, so this is why it happens; it's completely natural so dont worry about it
And 2; with your frequent urge to relieve yourself, you have a bladder problem [or some other related problem; there is an advert to that effect on london busses] so you should go see your doctor about it
Since the urge to releive yourself is too frequent, then that is an abnormality and it would fall under a catogory of illness, and there are usally exceptions for illnesses, thus it may be likely that you would not have to do wudhu time and time again and it would be ok to pray with the strong pressure [where otherwise it would be makruh], but you should get that verified from a Shaykh
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