What is wrong wit the black community of Britain? Since they have landed on these shores they have done nothing but loot, pillage and steal. They cant even talk properly because hip hop has become a way of life to them, is it in there genes? I remember in the 80s they were robbing gold off asian woman, and then people did nothing, well we have to start somwehere. And whats up with there profession - mugging? Most of them are unemployed, lazy, druggies, and 25% of Britains population even though they are less in number than pakistanis, bengalis and indians. I am not being racist, I am only asking questions as I see things on the street. If there are any knowledgeable black brothers on this forum then please come forward, and speak up. Restraint is needed but sadly it is not the right thing to do. Whats up with there stupid fasion as well, wearing there jeans halfway down there trousers...? Seriously brothers and sisters what is wrong, you are not racist for speaking out against this,