Itikaaf in Karachi
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08-16-2011, 10:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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Wa Alaikum Assalam,
Masjid e Home is best for Women.
I'tikaf of Women
1. The virtues of I'tikaf is not confined to men; women also can take advantage of it. However, women should not perform I'tikaf in the masjid. Their I'tikaf is only possible in the house. The procedure is as follows:
Women should sit for I'tikaf in that place in the house which has been set aside for Salah and ‘Ibadah. If no such place has been previously set aside, then a place must be so set aside prior to the commencement of I'tikaf, and I'tikaf must accordingly be performed therein. (Shami)
2. If no specific place has been built or set aside in the house for Salah, and it is not possible for some reason to so build or set aside a place therein, then in such event a woman may at her discretion demarcate any place within the house and perform I'tikaf there. (Alamghiri)
3. It is necessary for a married woman to obtain the consent of her husband for the purpose of performing I'tikaf. It is not permissible for a woman to perform I'tikaf without the permission of her husband. (Shami) However, husbands should not without reason deprive their wives of performing I'tikaf by refusing consent. On the contrary, they should grant consent.
4. If a woman has commenced I'tikaf with the permission of her husband and thereafter he endeavours to prohibit or prevent her from completing same, then he cannot do so. If he succeeds in preventing her, then the woman is not obliged to complete I'tikaf. (Alamghiri)
5. It is necessary for a woman to be free from menstruation and Nifas in order to perform I'tikaf ‑ that is, she cannot perform I'tikaf in a stage of menstruation and Nifas.
6. Consequently, a woman should, prior to the commencement of Masnun I'tikaf, determine whether the date of her menstruation will coincide with the period of I'tikaf. If the menstruation is expected to occur towards the end of the last ten days of Ramadhan, then she must not perform Masnun I'tikaf. However, she may perform Nafl I'tikaf for the period until the arrival of her menstruation.
7. If a woman has commenced I'tikaf, and thereafter menstruation com*mences during the duration of I'tikaf, then it is Wajib upon her to imme*diately abandon I'tikaf, as soon as her menstruation commences. In such a situation it is Wajib upon her to make Qadha I'tikaf of only the day in which she abandoned the I’tikāf (as a result of the intervention of menstruation). The procedure of such Qadha is as follows:
After the woman becomes pure of such menstruation, she keeps fast on any day and performs I'tikaf. If the days remain in Ramadhan, then she may make Qadha in Ramadhan in which case the fast of Ramadhan will be sufficient. However, if Ramadhan has terminated at the time of her becom*ing pure from such menstruation, then she must thereafter specifically keep fast Qadha I'tikaf for one day. (Commentary to Behesti Zewar)
8. The place within the home demarcated by a woman for the purpose of I'tikaf will for the duration thereof fall within the Hukm of the Masjid. It is not permissible for her to move from such place without a Shar’ī necessity. She cannot leave such place and enter any other portion or area of the home. If she does so, her I'tikaf will break.
9. The rules applicable to men relating to moving from the place of I'tikaf are also applicable to women. For those needs and necessities in relation to which it is permissible for men to leave the Masjid, it is similarly permissi*ble for women to leave the place of I'tikaf for such needs and necessities. (not Janazah). For those works in relation to which it is permissible for men to leave the Masjid, it is similarly permissible for women to leave the place of I'tikaf for such works.
And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.
Moulana Qamruz Zaman
London, UK
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