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Old 12-03-2009, 08:23 PM   #17

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our ulama are our leaders, the ulama should be centrel figures and pillers for the community, but are the ulama fulfulling this task? why not? is it that the masjids do not pay the ulama enough money so they have to get other jobs, take on extra tuition whereby they cannot give enough time for the masjids and community because of having to earn money to live a minimul/comfortable life.

i know masjids that pay the ulama £5 per salat they lead, and between £50-£75 for teaching madarasa, and full time imams geting between £100-£200, is that enough for people who are the most important people in our communities?

The situation is upside-down and totally lopsided

This is a Summary of what I proposed to Darul-uloom Bury Administration and also posted on SF in detail (somewhere).

Young graduates should be mentored into choosing a path where they can successfully and with dignity meet the needs of their family and how to integrate and work within their communities. A young Alim graduating has the same issues as a young university graduate i.e. find a wife, find a means to sustain family etc.
When Young Ulama start teaching at Madrasas or become Imams and get paid it causes the following problems:

1) They are paid pittance (less then minimum wage) which isn’t enough for them to sustain themselves and family which makes them look elsewhere. The pay is pittance but the time is real and since there are being PAID the committee and community treat them as employees, they don’t look at the amount but simply at the fact that they are being paid

2) The only viable option available to Ulama is to do PRIVATE tuition (teaching Qur’aan) and when you look at the people who employ Ulama are Doctors, Professionals etc and these are usually the people who need Islaah (reformation) but by paying AGAIN they treat Ulama as employees and the objective of Islaah if not completely lost, it is diminished

3) Another option is for Ulama to go to bed with HAJJ & UMRAH travel agents and that again either diminishes the respect and credibility of Ulama or MANY ULAMA do Hajj-e-Badal for years on end and again people treat them like employees because they have paid for the Hajj expenses

4) Pay compromises your stance! When you need your job you take a back seat on many affairs and OUR ULAMA do take a back seat to the committee on a number of issues!

When brothers and sisters at SF quote the permissibility of Ulama getting paid, they overlook the circumstances of the past, our Ulama were respected and looked up to as role models…right now like it or not becoming an Alim is the least choice for Career, ask most young people.

My detailed discussions with Darul-uloom Bury as usual fell on deaf ears as I am neither a Gujrati nor a Maulana nor knowledgable nor Bayt to the right Mashaykh, just a Muppett Pakistani! What do I know about community affairs?

It is a fixable scenario like many other issues in UK.
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