Fasting long days
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08-13-2011, 11:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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Just to share and motivate others who think it's hard for them.
My 8 years old son is fasting since day 1 of ramadhan and also never leave his taraweeh prayer yet. Last year he only left out one day and fast through our all the other days. He start fasting full since he was 6 anyway, Alhamdulillah and started his taraweeh prayer since he was 4 and half. He very determine boy, Masya Allah and please make doa for him to be strong and istiqamah through out his life.
My husband don't really encourage him to fast. I don't force him but I do encourage him a lots. This year I wanted to give an excuse as it is a very long day. But, he was looking and waiting for ramadhan to come and there is no way I can get him not to fast or break his fast. Even if he was a bit tired of us going out some day, and of course his body might feel hungry he will insist that he is not hungry and will determine to keep his fast. The only things I can do is make sure we got less activity for him in and out (as we are homeschool) and also encourage him to eat well and drink well during iftar and sehri.
Hope this can 'help' others who 'whine' about long day of fasting.
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