Ah okay, I'm not a mujtahid imam though, so I'm not able to determine which opinion is more correct or which should be given preference. Therefore, were I to take from another madhab, it's impossible that I would be taking it based upon knowledge. Because for one to disagree with an opinion, or give preference by leaving one for another, you must either be equally or more qualified than that imam. So were I to take from the Hanbali madhab, I'd clearly be doing so because of desires. And to take one opinion over another based upon desire is completely haram thoroughly established by the Qu'ran and Sunnah. Didn't sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah r.h. even write against people who did this? Anyway thanks for all your help, you've been very helpful and I hope I haven't come across as being disrespectful. Hopefully someone will just help clarify iA.