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Old 08-15-2011, 06:52 PM   #12

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Oct 2005
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Assalamu alaikum,

Brother Sraightpath has provided no evidence from the Qur'an and sunnah either. He has claimed it to be the opinion the of some sahabas and tabieen and quoted from Mughni without reference.

So if we are to bring up the issue of accuracy according to Qur'an and sunnah then please bring proof from Qur'an and sunnah.

It is very sad to see that we are claiming that there can be only one truth derived from the Qur'an and sunnah. Whereas the same Qur'an and sunnah can be interpreted differently by different people coming to different conclusions. Alas, if it is not the interpretation which we adhere to it is not accurate or valid.

Why can't all the interpretations - i.e. of the hanafis, shafis, malikis and hanbalis - all be valid interpretations of the Qur'an and sunnah? Hanafis will say their one is more accurate but shafis will say their one is more accurate. Who is correct? No one knows - only Allah. If we say let's go back to Qur'an and sunnah - then all the madhabs have done just that and come to different conclusions.
Walaikom Assalam,

Akhee if you carefully read what I wrote you'd see that support of Sahabah for BOTH opinions is there. I didnt claim any single opinion to be the one with support from Al Sahabah.

What I mentioned was only to give a broad idea of the views, not to give detailed fatwa with detailed evidences etc and page numbers etc (It took long enough to translate a short part of a long text.) . Even though even though I do lean towards one opinion more than the other, never did I say this opinion is the one that MUST be followed and others are wrong. This was never said nor intended. Especially that a detailed study was not presented.

It is not accurate to say that followers of each Madhab will say that their Madhab is correct on every issue, just because the follow that Madhab. Usually at Islamic colleges and study groups (here at least), sheikhs in any issue where theres disagreement would present them all, and evidences of each, and finally conclude "X opinion seems to be the more accurate one, for the reasons 1,2, and 3." excluding weak hadeeths that may have been used etc. Never is it said that the other opinion is wrong, unless if its a rare weak opinion. So respect for opinion differences is always there.

Anyway as I said earlier, its a long topic, and I dont wish to ruin the sisters threat by turning it into a debate on the definition of Taqleed/Ijtihaad and to what extent it should be practiced etc. Theres other threads for that.

Jazak Allah Khair.
GinaGomesz is offline


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