Isnt there a difference between, An innovation in the Deen itself, and An innovation for the Deen. The former being a Sin and the later being allowed. To change Quran itself and add or subtract in it from your own would be a Biddah action which is misguidance and will lead to Fire and is not allowed , but to collect the whole Quran and put the Surahs together in a Book form, would be an inovation for the Deen, which is Allowed. If a Person says that to go out in Tableeghi jammat for 3 days, 40 days 4 months is a hukm in Shariah and has to be done in that form and tarteeb only or else you become a sinner, then this is an addition in the Deen and is a Biddah, But if a person says that to learn the knowledge and Iman and practice it is a Hukm of Deen and Going out in the Jammat is one of the ways to achieve that objectives , Then this going out for a fixed number of days in that tarteeb is a new practice , but not in the deen itself, but for the Deen , and is allowed. So Just to add this clarification incase people mix these two things up.