so when we talk of "good innovation", we are only talking of innovation from a linguistic perspective, e.g. hospitals etc. In the shariah, the blame worthy bid'ah that we such as issue with, is innovsting new acts of worship into the religion which cannot be observed from the beloved rasuulullahi salalllahu alayhi wasslam. THey accuse us of not loving the prophet, yet who is the one who claims to have some better practices than the prophet sallallahu alayhi wassalam, and who is simply asking the muslim ummah to follow what the prophet did and nothing more, nothing less? I urge everyone here to take a stance against the likes of innovated acts of worship that have no basis in the shariah. If I started jumping up and down and doing cartwheels and told you I was worshipping Allah, would you say "SubhanAllah!!!" or would you say"you have departed from the sunnah of the prophet sallahu alayhi wassalam"?