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Old 11-02-2009, 04:43 AM   #6

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Most have heard of the pakistani Qawali artist Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan ( especially if your from indo-pak).

A couple of people have mentioned a story surrounding his body & death. What suprised me immmensly was that at madrassah our moulanah mentioned it.

Although he didnt get to finish the story as he was interrupted, it was something along the lines of... Nusrat's wife had a bad dream about him after his death and his body had to be moved to another location. So they dug the grave and found his toungue near his feet. His wife apparently now warns people not to buy his songs as they are a mockery of Allah & his rasul (saw).

Is this really true? Anybody else heard this? What exacly are the details?

Jazakallah Khaire

Whatever happened or happens to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan makes no difference to the ruling in the Islamic Shariah that Music is Haram.

But I respectfully suggest to ask your own teacher about the Authenticity of the story, If he has that he had verified it then there is no further need to check for Authenticity.

If he says that he has heard it then ask, "Should you be relating stories about someone who has died without confirming it, first"?

NOT ONLY did he engage in Music he also engaged in Shirk in Qawwalees and his Fans popularly called him "The Last Prophet of Qawwali (Astaghfirullah)"

P.S: The story was published in the Jang Urdu Newspapers in Pakistan around 2001 or 2002 with the appeal from his wife not to listen to his songs BUT people who read Jang think that the name of the newspaper is mis-spelled and it should be "J-U-N-K"
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