no i dont deny azaab i qabrs its kufr to deny that. but these stories are always made up if they were real why is there another photographic evidence. also world media will be there. also why are they always in pakistan. you must of heard the old school stories about the guy who was addicted to watching tv. cant remember what happend nxt but when he died they couldnt lift his body. they call all the ulema down and they realised they had to bury tv with him or u may remember the story abt the girl who didnt help her mum at iftar time and got angry when her mum told her she retaliated by kicking the quran and shortly after turned in to a monkey. how can you beleive all this. the jews in isreal and dirty mushriq hindus in india use the quran as toilet paper (nauzubillah min zaalik) and burn the quran yet they dotn get deformed.