Meeting with Shaykh Ahmad Arshad (DB)!!
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07-31-2011, 03:07 PM
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Oct 2005
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My friend asked Shaikh, How did you meet Shaikh Zulfiqar Ahmed(DB)?
He said, That's a good question, How did I meet him? We were a group of students in NYU, me, Mufti Kamaluddin and others. My father was a bureaucrat. But we were not liberal nor very conservative, just normal. I used to hear things like this Shaikh is making bayans here and there, etc. Once my father called me and said A buzurg is coming near New York for Bayan, please go there. I went there. I was sitting at the place when mureeds started entering. I saw them all in white. White kurtas and white turbans. I just kept on looking. In the end Hazrat entered and I saw him and my eyes were fixed on him. It was love at first sight. I didn't know anything about peeri mureedi, tasawwuf, khanqahs nothing at all. There and then, I just decided I have to be like him!
And the rest is history. Shaikh is a khalifah now and doing alot of service of Deen masha'Allah....
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