I don't know what to do anymore.
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07-25-2011, 07:55 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Please don't feel hopeless and useless. You're not alone.
I know someone very close to me who suffered from the exact same problems you did. And, it got worse as time passed. The person would spend hours & hours in the bathroom repeating wudhu & then , hours trying to pray & in between of the prayers would go to remake wudhu. And, even after praying, they'd make up all the prayers again because they thought tthey hadn't offered prayers properly. It would seriously mess up the person's entire routine. Sometimes, there was no time left to do anything else.
Not only did it cause extreme distress to that person , but also to all the people living with that person.
You'll need to seek professional help, sister. Please do not delay. From experience, I can say it will escalate if you do not do anything about it now. The person I know got so fed up with everything that first this person stopped reading the Qur'an and then stoped praying altogether. It was many years ago, so I don't remember how this person was cured, but they had consulted many psychologists & aamils. There was one amal they had to do for a period of a few months after which the situation improved Alahmdulillah(it wasn't anything hectic like reading something, it was applying oil which had something read over it or something ) .
This is a not normal case of is more than that.
Please don't fret too much sister. InshaAllah, you will be okay in no time.
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