I don't know what to do anymore.
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07-26-2011, 10:12 PM
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Oct 2005
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Salaamualaykum sister Nabila,
I am so sad to read what you are going through. Oh sister i hate shaytan he can be a real bug. Please sister ignore him whatever he says try your utmost best to ignore him and continue with what your doing. Its extremely hard at first but then it just gets easier. And sister make plentiful of DUA. This whole expierience of waswasa has taught me soooooo much and one of those things are:
1. i will make dua in sujood if not every second rakat in a four rakat prayer then at least once in every single one of the 5 daily prayers. Sister beg Allah SWT to help you beg him to make you strong in your deen
2. AstagfirAllah ask Allah for forgiveness all throught the day as much as you possibly can
3.Darood send as many blessings as you can on the beloved Prophet alayhimasalaam
Im having the same problem with sleep. Before this horrible nightmare started with me it was almost impossible for me to stay up after 10/11pm maximum,now somedays i just cannot sleep till after midnight. I must make dua for help.
Sister your special to me and i love what you wrote its true its the beauty of Islam that brought us to one another. I want you to know that i will definetly have you in my duas no doubt inshaAllah (unless that ugly horrible rejected shaytan will make me forget)
When i remember what i went through it makes me terrified for the muslim ummah and it makes me not only want to make dua for myself and my children but for every single human being that is muslim.
For me having that horrible expierience made me realise why The beautiful Prophet Alayhimasalaam cried for His ummah. Sister we must be strong. Tell yourself daily im strong and i WILL beat you. Sister shaytan (the ugly horrible thingy)HATES when we ignore him. so do exactly waht he hates what Allah SWT loves and i pray for your happiness. I will email you tomorrow inshAllah.
You take care sister and please be strong ok please do it for yourself.
IGNORE please nabila try your best ok sister
Take care my darling
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