I don't know what to do anymore.
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07-27-2011, 06:09 PM
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Oct 2005
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Thank you all for giving up your time to reply. Insha'Allah I am going to print this thread out, so I can keep it with me and remember all the advice that's been given. Insha'Allah.
Sister munawwarah: I agree, I have the read the book a few years ago and it was very good Alhumdulillah, like I said before, I think I should read it again Insha'Allah.
Sister nin99a: Thank you so much for your reply. I tried to ask Allah for help in sujood yesterday, but most of the time I forgot to and only remembered after the prayer had ended. This is another thing I have noticed, my memory has just been getting weaker and weaker since this all started. The sleeping problem is really really horrible. It causes so much stress and anxiety for me. I pray for all of us who are having this same problem Insha'Allah. I just want to say that I have really enjoyed emailing you and getting to know you Alhumdulillah, you have helped me out a lot. Jazak'Allah, Insha'Allah I will keep you in my duas too.
Sister mmb786: I'm in shock that you had to repeat your prayers 7 times over! I thought I had it bad! I'm so happy to hear that you are better now Alhumdulillah and I pray to Allah that He always keeps you happy in this world and the next Insha'Allah.
Brother suliman71: Thanks for your post. Yeah, I was also given similar advice, to reject the thought, rather than accepting it.
Brother chaid and Brother AbdulQadir90: Thank you for your posts and advice. I know that I have to change, I just don't know where to start sometimes. Everyday I wake up and I think to myself, 'Insha'Allah today will be the day where I start making things better' and it never works. Everyday I find myself slipping back into the same bad routine.
Brother شعيب محمد and Brother pluto: I don't want to take medicines simply because I don't think they will help, they might change the chemicals in my brain or whatever it is that they do, but I don't know if they will get to the root of the problem. For me, I feel that this whole thing has started because I've just stayed stagnant with regards to my religion, I haven't tried to get to the next level or improve myself, so perhaps, the solution to all of this is to try and improve my faith and taqwa Insha'Allah?
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