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Old 08-07-2011, 06:36 PM   #9

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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu 'alaykum.

Teachers of Tajweed from Syria teach the full/empty ikhfaa of the noon-saakin & tanween. After consultation and reading up I found that teachers from the subcontinent say that they can find no basis for the different type of Ikhfaa made depending on the letters of tafkheem and tarqeeq which follow. The following is from my notes, i hope it helps and any mistake found in it is from myself..and Allah ta'ala knows best:

Therefore the correct method of pronouncing the Ikhfaa Haqiqi is as follows:
Place the edge of the tongue very close to the Makhraj of Noon and pronounce the Ghunnah from the Khayshoom to the length of 2 harkats (as long as one alif which is equal to 2 harkats ) i.e. the tongue will remain touching the palate VERY lightly, almost as though not touching.

Being described in one book it says “the tongue does not pronounce the Noon FULLY from its makhraj”

In an urdu tajweed book it says:

حرف مخفی کو اظحار اور ادغام کی درمیانی حالت سے پڑھنے کو اخفاء کہتے ہیں – درمیانی حالت سے ادا کرنے کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ حرف مُخفي اپنے مخرج سے کامل طور پر ادا نہ ہو بلکہ ضعیف ادا ہو۔ جب نون ساکن اور تنوین میں اخفاء کیاجاۓگا تو اس وقت کنارۂ زبان مسوڑھوں سے بہت تھوڑا اور نرمی سے ملایں گے
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