All Muslims are warned that the Qadiyanis (so called Ahmadiyya) are not Muslims. They are misguiding people through the internet, T.V, literature and advertisements. The Qadiyanis deceive Muslims with words such as peace, loyalty, freedom, respect, and love. The Qadiyanis are followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani (1840-1908). Mirza Qadiyani has claimed to be a Nabi, a Rasool and Muhammad (Sallalahualayhiwasalam) himself! Aside from that he has claimed to be God, Imam Mahdi, Maryam and Isa ibn Maryam. He had enmity and hatred for Isa (Alayhiwasalam) as he repeatedly insulted him. He also abused other prophets including Muhammad (Sallalahualayiwasalam) and his companions (Ridhwanullahi Ajmaeen). He has sworn at the ulama who are the inheritors of the prophets. Mirza Qadiyani has made false accusations towards Allah (Subhaanawata’ala) and his Rasool (Sallalahualayhiwasalam). It is because of the aforementioned reasons that: 1. The scholars have called them Kaafir and out the fold of Islam. 2. The Muslim World League in 1974 in Makkah Mukaramah declared them Kaafir. 3. The Pakistani Parliament declared them as a non-Muslim minority in 1974. Many institutions and courts have also declared them to be Kaafir. 4. Indonesia, Malaysia and Gambia have taken action against some of their activities. The Qadiyanis have started to advertise on buses and distributing leaflets with the slogans peace, loyalty, freedom, respect, and love and have launched a website (CLIP). But how can they be peaceful when they don’t condemn the acts of Mirza Qadiyani? How can they claim to be loyal when they abandoned the final messenger (Sallalahualayhiwasalam) of Allah (Subhaanawata’ala)? How can they support freedom when they do not allow their followers to question the acts of Mirza Qadiyani? How can they have respect when they follow a man who has insulted and claimed to be previous prophets? How can they claim to love all when they follow a man who hated Rasoolullah (Sallalahualayhiwasalam)? They are not peaceful and have no respect because they blind follow a man who was very abusive, offensive and blasphemous against Allah (Subhaanawata’ala), his Rasool (Sallalahualayiwasalam) and Islam. Instead they are the ones who are causing hatred and disunity. Beware of their literature, adverts, MTA TV channel (787) and websites such as CLIP and many others. Educate yourself on this issue and warn all your friends and family. If you already follow Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani then please research the history and find out the reality of Qadiyanism. Please make copies and distribute, also display on Masjid notice boards. For further information and references please use our website or contact us below: KHATME NUBUWWAT ACADEMY 387 KATHERINE ROAD FOREST GATE LONDON E7 8LT UNITED KINGDOM PHONE: 020 8471 4434 MOBILE: 0798 486 4668, 0795 803 3404 EMAIL: