Shia dawut can i go?
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08-05-2011, 07:47 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Although Shia beliefs are blatantly wrong, we should not also forget that some shias dont even know what they believe, that is the level of their faith.
Just like you get sunni muslims who dont really know islam, you do also get shia muslims who dont actually know what their sect teaches.
Their have been cases when non-practicing shias are told about some of their beliefs and they in turn are shocked at what they should believe.
We shouldnt be so narrow minded to brand anyone who calls themselves a Shia as a kaafir or something else, since we dont always know if they
are aware of some of their teachings, again the parallel is with our own Sunni brothers. I know brothers who didnt know what ghusl was or when it was required,
but once taught they practiced it, just like some shias who when told what their belief was, taken from sources such as the Ayatollah, they left their sect.
Im not saying thats the norm, but we should keep that in mind, especially when the brother has said that they arent practicing.
As regards to the conversations which may occur, what about them? Maybe this is a chance to educate them, if they arent practicing any discourse may be of benefit.
If they were practicing shias then I would advise against it, because practicing shias from my own experience know their stuff and I've seen them run circles
around others.
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