How close should Sunnis be to Shia?
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03-19-2009, 07:56 PM
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Oct 2005
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Asslamo Allaikum,
I put the Amitabh Bachan story (1983) as a joke but on a serious note.
As I was in Pakistan I remember people (people who I now think as Barelwees) having Qur'aan Khawanees & Khatams for Amitabh Bachan when he got injured during the shooting of Quli (movie) as they thought that he had embraced Islam by reciting the Kalimah. Constant Khatams and people going to Mazars, women distributing food etc...
I remember everybody debating the fact in our school that we should make dua for his speedy recovery as he was now a Muslim and other kids in the school saying "No! He is a Hindu Kaafir" . I remember our Islamic stuides teacher (someone who I think as a Pushtun Deobandi) saying that nobody just becomes a Muslim by just reading the Kalimah...
As a child I also read the Fatwa of Shaykh (Mufti) Yusuf Ludhyanwi (RA) in Jang as to why someone isn't a Muslim just because he/she reads the Kalimah (in a movie)
This incident was such an issue in Pakistan that in my mind (as a child) it solidified the concept of how someone becomes Muslims.
It was a stupid incident but it helped me understand a lot as a child.
All of this in the backdrop of Afghan Jihad...Interesting times the 80's were!
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