Thread: Lal Masjid
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Old 06-14-2011, 11:11 PM   #38

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Assalam o alikum

I wanted to ask all of dear brother and sisters that what they say about the people killed in lal Masjid weather they were shaheed or killed and if anyone of you has concerned to u'lama regarding this so can he explain what ulama says???????????? please i need serious help on this topic
Typically, the people of the higher ranks in the ILLUminati are involved in blood sacrifice which
is a part of hardcore Satanism.

I have a suspicion that the inner circle within the Pakistan Military and civilian elite are involved with Satanism which rejoice in the bloodbath of innocent children like the ones in Lal Masjid massacre.

The issue of Lal masjid could be solved without causing the bloodbath. But, the people involved with Satanism would like to choose the blood-soaked path.

May be , someone should do a thorough research on the Masonic temples inside Pakistan using the links below.

Children Sacrificed by Illuminati --Defector "Mary Anne"

The Illuminati sacrifice children in rituals eight times a year, "Mary Anne," an Illuminati defector who had been groomed for high political office, told me Sept 21, 2008 .


I have to confess that I was not previously aware that Maddy McCann is now dead, but I am not surprised since as long as she remained alive, there was always a risk of the truth leaking out in some way. Moreover, being now aware of the background of both Barroso and the McCann's the manner of Maddy's death in a ritual blood sacrifice to Satan also has a degree of perversion. Finally, no informed researcher is aware of the fact that the misperceived Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is also an illuminati member and Satanist, who is regularly called upon by the council of thirteen to don her witches garb, and to act as mistress of ceremonies whenever supreme knowledge and imperfection of the Satanic 'art' is imperative. Ms. Rowling was present at the rite in which Madeleine died and her reward offer [after Madeleine's kidnapping] was all even more sickening."

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