dr.ati i don't see what makes salafism so different to following a madhab For example a hanafi follows a hanafi kitaab about salah and it has hadiths compiled therein and the shaykh who has compiled the kitaab has written that these are the most authentic hadith regarding salah. The salafi follows the prayer book by Shaykh Albaani RH in which he has compiled the hadiths and has said this is the most authentic way a layman makes taqleed in trusting the scholars opinion of which hadith is sahih and which is not as the science of hadith is not something anyone of us can just go and investigate without extensive study but when a madhabi follows his shaykh its blind following but when a salafi follows his its not blind following to me that is like saying..."They eat ice cream, we do not eat ice cream....we eat cream which is frozen...therefore we are different"