- if a room has pictures of people in it (frames, tattoos, posters,newspapers etc) is praying there valid? is it makrooh?and what about if we for example disfigure faces of permanent posters/tattoos or upturn the frames?is the ruling the same?
- is it sinful not to say durood while hearing the Prophet (PBUH)'s name during Azaan?
- do deobandis consider all non-deobandis to be out of ahl e sunnat wal jamah in terms of their methodology/manhaj
- is writing fiction, for any purpose, tantamount to lying?
- what is the ruling on giving yourself nicknames?esp nicknames that arent true...for example one calls himself 'silver surfer'on Internet, when he is neither silver nor surfer...so is there a prohibition or lack thereof for such nicknames?
- is it required to wash every required part in wuzu the same number of times?for example can we, by mistake, wash the rest of the body twice but the feet three times?
- why people call themselves abdul nasir when 'nasir' is not one of the asma ul husna?