Do we ever feel for the poor???
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07-30-2011, 11:32 PM
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Oct 2005
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Do we ever feel for the poor???
dear every body tonight is is extremely cold here in S.A. its -5 in our town., and tho its pretty late
(1.30am) i cant go to sleep - not becoz im cold - but becoz i can't stop thinkin of those who are. the more i'm thinkin of the poor, underpriviledged people in this country and in the world the mpre depressed im feeling. WHY? i know what triggered it off... on wednesday (3 days ago) i happened to go thru the newspaper and in there was this picture of a seven month old somalian boy who is severely and totally undernourished, and i was apalled, his ribs were clearly visible and his stomach and face was hollow, which made his eyes look
(almost half the size of his face), this kids arms and legs were thinner than anewborns and he weighed like 3-4kilo's if i remember correctly. + this picture was right next to the picture of a childs coffin (a child who died of malnutrition)... these images seem 2 be hauntin my mind. after seeing this i'm beginning to feel almost ashamed of the luxuries we bask in and take so for granted. im not saying its wrong to live luxuriously, im just saying that we, as well-2-do humans have sooo much - why is it that we can give only so little? not only in somalia are people dying of hunger, thirst and cold daily, its happenning here in our own country, towns and streets... we will only see iy when we look 4 it! alhamdulillah most of us muslims in S.A are priviledged beyond imagination, we have everything of the best in every sphere of the world - like 2day in this biting cold we have innumerous ways of heating up our homes e.i. underfloor heating, hot a/c, electric heaters, gas heaters, warm clothes, hot drinks/soups etc. etc. etc. but do we ever think about the poor who dont posess things such as stoves, geysers, homes and even food? do we ever feel 4 those kids who have no winter clothes, beds or even shoes?? its very easy 4 us to 4get that these people, like ourselves, feel hunger, thirst, pain, misey and cold just the way we do. we shud always remember that poverty does'nt make one immune to humane feelings... they also want gud lives, want to see their kids warm and happy, want to have a positive and comfortable life - but their fate is not in their hands - it's in the hands of ALLAH TA'AALA the most compassionate. plz guys, lets make a difference to even just ONE child this winter by putting a R100 or R200 note into the hands of his/her parents, 2 us that may be insignificant but 2 a family who has'nt seen food in their shacks for days, it can be a means of their survival 4 up2 a
! plz let us start feeling and giving more comoassionately 2wards the poor and let our sadaqah 2 them be a means of cleansing and protection 4 ourselves and a means of practical da'wah 2 them. let us think about how easily it cud have been us in their shacks and on the street and them in our homes... we are not living comfortable lives thru our efforts and nor are they living difficult lives due 2 lack of effort (for they work harder than we do)! it all ONLY the grace of ALLAH TA'AALA who blesses whomsoever HE wishes 2 from among his creation. Subhaanallah!
Thnx 4 reading - i hope i did'nt bore you with this long post, but its just sumthin i had to say!, and i hope it encourages even just one person 2 give sumthin in charity.
plz if any1 has any interesting or inspirational story, ahadeeth or any motivational words on charity, i will really appreciate it if you can post it on this thread... lets encourage each other toward goodness!
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