salaamz sis i think like every1 else says: if this guy is non-mahram for you then you shud'nt even be greetin him 4get goin into arguments with him. any way if he is mahram you shud tell him that it is absolutely necessary to have a math-hab... btw salafis, and not one of the 4 math-habs beleive that purdah is not waajib. Also in the time of the prophet (peace be upon him) people neva used to follow a math-hab because they had rasoolullah salallahu-alaihiwasallam as their illustrious and practical answer they questions and explain to them that which they did not understand. you know, math-habs neva appear on the scene last night! - we follow a math-hab, because our elders (the 4 imams) learned the interpretation and intricate meaning and explanation of THE QUR'AAN AND AHADEETH from their elders and it goes on until eventually their elders and ustaadh's learnt from the holy prophet (salallahu-alaihiwasallam) himself,,, so will we understand the qur'aan and ahadeeth better than what they understood it? of course not. also it is necessary to follow ONE imam, even tho all four imams are hundred% correct, because just like if you are sick and go to 4 different doctors (even if they are all the best in their profession) you will still have to choose ONE to follow and take only his treatment and advise! if you choose to follow all four of them you are naturally going to harm yourself and get more sick... anyway this is just a bit of my understanding this issue. t.c