dear fusoos saheb the owaisi silsila has been discussed in detail on this forum previously. If you search for it you shall find many answers to your questions. Hazrat Yusuf Ludhianvi rh has written on the issue especially about the owaisi concept of 'bayt with Rasulullah sallahuwaslam' being a criterion for a kamil shaykh and anyone who does not have this is basically a fraud. This concept has been thoroughly analyzed by maulana Yusuf ludhianvi rh. The way of the present khalifah Akram Awan saheb is not on the 'mansha' of the ulema of deoband due to various issues which no deobandi will ever agree with. 2 views come to mind instantly...trousers below the ankles and pictures though upon deeper analysis there are other issues. ALLAH knows best