Regarding point (6), the candidate could be given the OPTION of providing reference contacts (local imam etc.) - visible only to moderators (and the potential spouse after a certain safety barrier has been crossed). The most trustworthy and serious candidates would probably be happy to supply this optional information, while the dodgy imposters would most likely choose not to. So if a sister is contacted by a brother and she sees that he has supplied address, local imam's telephone number, etc., although not view the details (to avoid potential stalker scenarios!!) - it might help her to gauge his level of trustworthiness and sincerity. So a person's profile could reveal a lot about the person's sincerity without revealing any personal data. For example - Nickname: Noah / Aisha Real Name: Supplied / Not supplied Forum memberships: SF (date of joining), Ummah (DOJ)... Character references: None/ supplied Jamaat/ tariqa affiliation: TJ etc. - local jamaat contact supplied/ not supplied Plus, a star or something to indicate the members who had passed a certain security acid test (an approved/ checked reference, for example, or a recommendation from a forum or jamaat) This is a bit like the way some professional online communities allow potential clients to sort out the riffraff from the pros!