Some Things I really need to get off my Chest
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07-28-2011, 10:25 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
point #1 get married, try to make hijra, fast mondays and thursdays, use ramadhan to your benefit, put a web blocker on your computer if you ever look at internet pornography, dont go to areas where this is a lot of nakedness as this will drive up your sex drive, also dont forget that some people can have an addiction for this and you can get professional help and also dont forget that you should constantly seek Allahs mercy and pray 2 raka'ah of tawbah every time you commit the sin and learn about tawbah and how to receive forgiveness for a sin and no matter even if you dont stop committing this sin, keep up with your ibaadah, salaah, memorise qur'an etc as having a weakness doesnt mea all of your ibaadah is worthless, in fact it means you need more ibaadah to offset any sin you may accumulate. Also dont stay out of dawah etc, some people think that committing a sin means you cant give dawah which is not correct. Keep striving and no matter what stay firm in your deen inshAllah
point #2 correct and thats why we need to rectify teh condition of this ummah inshAllah
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