السلام عليكم I Suggest closing any thread discussing the nature of God as it's a Bida'ah. How he descends, ascends, what's meant by Hand, all hearing all seeing, what's a throne, where is god, above/below heavens, everywhere nowhere ect.... all of them bring no benefit to Islam whatsoever. EDIT: Also no more Takfeer on Ahlul-Sunnah, No one should make Takfeer on Habib Ali because he is a Sufi or Yusuf Estes because he is a Salafi. أرجو أن يأخذ الأخ أبو هاجرة الحنفي مشاركتي بعين الاعتبار و أن نضع حدا لهذه المهزلة في المنتدى