The Moderate Muslim
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07-28-2011, 03:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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The Moderate Muslim
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
I've noticed that in the West, there are two groups of people {and of course, not all Westerners fall into this category. I am not racist towards all European/Americans/Canadian} when it comes to the endless discussion over Islam. There's the group who says "Let's go to war with Iran {I know they are mostly rafida, but that doesn't mean they should be massacred by kuffar}! Let's kill the Iraqis and take their oil! Let's nuke Makkah! Wouldn't it be funny to see those animals pray towards a giant radio active hole 5 times a day?"
And then there is the group that says to that group, "You can't say that." And then they hold up the most marginalized Muslim they possibly can {e.g. Irshad Manji, a Muslim in the United States Military, etc.} and say, "look at these wonderful citizens. They're not like those extremists {the practicing Muslims}"
How can one be moderately Islamic? Some do see this as a purist view, but doesn't someone have to be entirely Muslim in order to be a Muslim? Isn't that how it is with religion? If you believe something is the truth, you follow it completely, do you not? Isn't this term a contradiction? Not to be overly critical, Insha'Allah, but I see brothers and sisters applying this term to themselves all the time and I think it's the contradictory label to apply to yourself.
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