Does Islam recognize the existence of Enlightenment?
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05-05-2011, 08:36 AM
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Oct 2005
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Another thing - there is a reason why in Islam, and more specificly tasssawuf, there is little use of the word "enlightenment" - the reason is "enlightenment" connotates a meaning of full awareness, all encompassing knowledge - this are attributes of Allah - and the Muslim who becomes enlightened fully rejects this term all together - the only thing they have been enlightened with is full understanding that they ae but slaves of Allah and all light, or knowledge, comes from Allah and can be taken by Allah - they are in FULL submission to the Enlightened, An Noor.
The term that better describes this state is Fana fi Allah - or Annihilation - because to reach this lofty station one must destroy themselves and become annihilated, so that all that remains is the commandment of Allah.
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