the Islamic concept and the budhist/hindu concepts of enlightenment are different - so its hard to say yes or no to yuor question For the budhust, enlightenment is becoming one with the universe - chakras aligning and karma being understood fully. The Islamic version of enlightenment is internal and external - interanly, the enlightened Muslim defeats all nafs and worldly desires, transforming those nafs into nafs ul mumaina - meaning that rather than your nafs desiring a haraam thing, they only desire the halal - instead of lusting over women, they lust over salaat or dhikr. Externally this enlightenment manifests itself in complete tawhid - when one realizes that all, good and bad, comes from Allah - that one has already been alotted his share in this world and nothing can increase or decrease it except Allah - when realizing that there is no Might and Power except for Allah - then thios person has knowledge of both self and creation - even if the particulars of the creation are not revealed to him.