Whooahh, really? Where in the Qur'an does it say that Muhammad reached annihlation or whatever? I thought he was just an ordinary human chosen by God? Tbh I feel like I'm getting a lot of unorthodox views on Islam, like from the moderator above me and the other guy who implied that enlightenment would save someone from hell. Wouldn't orthodox Islam say that the Buddha is in hell since he denied the existence of any eternally existing entity (hence God). He denied a creator and considered belief in God to be unhealty, Issara Nimana Vada. I was looking for some Orthodox views on Islam, not like a new agey liberal concept that accepts the idea of enlightenment. Islam would reject spiritual enlightenment as a legitimate spiritual attainment right? I mean aren't you views technically heretical according to Islam? Anyways I'm sensing some hostility here so I'm out. But yes I do know more about Buddhism than you, I was a Buddhist for several years and read all the commentarial bull****, stories, eschatology, mythology, background, teachings, suttas, controversies, pali terms, translated some pali etc. I even have a legitimate claim to partial enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism (via Buddhaghosa and Pali commentaries (I reached a certain stage of meditation, sammasana nana)). Plus I know a bunch of stuff about other world religions, occult theories, paranormal events etc. A bunch of **** really (sort of fills my head up). Peace.