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Old 07-24-2011, 01:59 PM   #39

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Oct 2005
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Why not busy yourself with things the prophet did rather than your own practices that he never did? Do dhikr how he did dhikr rather than singing and chanting like a bunch of hindus
brother, these singing chanting bunch are not sufis. they are what you may call impostors or pseudo-sufis. the real sufis did dhikr as the Prophet (PBUH) did. they followed strictly the sunnah. to simplify matters for you, lets say they did more dhikr than anyone alive today. it is in Qur'an (surah Qayamah) about nafs lawwama (which is next to best nafs), and another surah states nafs mutmainna. the aim of Islam is to reach the highest level of mutmainna of the nafs and to obtain a degree of ihsan. so there is nothing 'unislamic' about these beliefs right?its in the Qur'an. and the Prophet (PBUH) did dhikr and taught us to do dhikr right?again, nothing unislamic. The Qur'an states in surah Ar- Ra'ad that if one sins a black spot is placed upon their heart. one keeps sinning the spot increases. one repents , the spot disappears. The sufis aim for tazkiya nafs. this is exactly what is said in surah ar-ra'ad about 'cleansing the heart'. The Qur'an mentions Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) asking Allah (SWT) for Qalb - e - saleem. Brother, this is again the aim of sufism to achieve Qalb - e - saleem. how is any of this unislamic.

however the problem arises when one defines the word 'sufis'. sufis were poor people some 1000 years ago who wore coarse woolen clothes (because of poverty) which is the literal deifintion of a 'sufi'.
a 'sufi' isnt a pot smoking, headbanging pir sahab. the term has bin widely misunderstood. those people you mentioned are not sufis.
the aim of sufism is completely in line with islam. its just that the 'means' to reach this aim are different and cause controversy.

real sufi: he recites subhan Allah 1000 times a day in a state of peace to achieve a state of ihsan, and achieve tazkiya nafs. (this dhikr or any other legitimate dhikr)
impostor sufi: recites 'Allah Allah' 1000 times a day by going around in circles, smoking pot. he starts to headbang and then starts beating a drum.

the two are worlds apart.

one more misconception is tariqas. look, if a teacher tells you to emulate a real sufi and helps you do different dhikr and guides you to a state of ihsan and tazkiya nafs then why not?
however if the teacher tells you to act like impostor sufi then that tariqa must be avoided.

its just the names and the wrong meaning associated with it. you want to study about tassawwuf then do study it without being critical and from someone who knows. i was ciritical too then i realized, wait these guys want the same thing as me. i looked further and realized who sufis were and who impostor sufis were. hope this clears the confusion.

i do hope a person well versed or better versed than me can verify my above statements about degrees of nafs and ihsan. i have limited knowledge about this as compared to several other members of the forum.
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