Question about reciting in Quran Competition
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07-24-2011, 12:17 AM
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Question about reciting in Quran Competition
Salamu alaikukm wr wb,
I'm in a quran competition at the masjid tomorrow and I have a question for anyone who knows the answer. This is my second one and the way the Imam does it, he recites one ayat from any where in the begining middle or end of the surah and the the participant has to recite that ayat, and continue from there to the end, or until he stops you if you made a certain number of mistakes. Since all the surahs start with Bismillahi Rahmanir Raheem, I know to say A3udu billahi menahsaytan ir rajeem, Bismillahi rahman ir raheem before starting when he gave me the very first ayat from Surat an Naba, But this time I'm doing Suratal Qalam, and my question is: if he gives me an ayat from the middle of the surah, do I just say A3udu billahi minashaytaan ir rajeem and then recite the ayat and continue since its not the begining? or do say both "A3udu billahi minahsaytaanir rajeem" and "Bismillahi Rahmanir Raheem"? Last competiton some other participants who had to start from the middle of a surah did it both ways, so I would like to know which way if any, is more correct?
Jazakallah khair
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