Bismillah Hizab is not the purpose of our existance. So focus on the purpose i.e worship. It would be better to have a program to wake up early in the morning meditate with Allahs name and attribute 'There is no God but Allah, the unique, the most sublime, the Just who is independent and we are dependent. Then get them to perform prayer. Make sure these are done in a clean state. To understand Zakah, introduce a sense of charity let say 2.5% of ones weekly saving and give it homeless or needy. As for headscarf, allow them to wear it in their own manner but show it is done with the full modest attaire (not merely headscarf). Go through the link I posted a while ago about tips and guideline Also inform them about muslim diet and why we ought to consume less of everything as it inflates our ego. Eat healthy food. Tell them to abstain from useless chatter. Get them to do one good deed like helping the aged, being nice to parents or planting a tree Generally get them to be reflective and as muslim we ought to be people who are just.