learning the hanafi madhab inshallah
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07-17-2011, 10:02 PM
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Oct 2005
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assalamu alaykum everyone, i went to a fiqh class today, unfortunately there were no references and they werent really going through a book.
I did pick up some books from the store, feel free to comment on them inshallah.
I gotbahishti zawar, and also the mukhtasar al quduri in order to have a classical reference, also i got abu hanifah his life legal method and legacy in order to learn more about him and his legacy and madhab.
I picked up a few extras to have a read through, one called the legal status of madhabs and also the qasida burda and the truth about bayah so i can understand a little more about the sufi elements of the current hanafi community and the idea of tareekas and a shaikh giving you cures etc, so inshallah ill have a good read through that.
Ultimately i wish to be able to reference everything back inshallahm including his biography, i wish to find all the references so i know its authentic but this will do inshallah until my arabic is strong enough inshallah so ill read through this for now.
Ill try get some more books inshallah in the future. Feel free to explain thinsg surrounding the madhab, such as why modern deobandi books are better to learn from than classical hanafi books, which is a point im a little caught on to be honest, so a good explanation would be great inshallah.
Also, if its impermissable to pray behind someone from another madhab, my family is shaafi, they have different ideas for wudhu, does that mean i cant take them on tablighi jama'ah due to their not being able to pray behind hanafis?
I ask everyone to be patient with my questions and not take them offensiveliy, as on the day of resurrection you you will be asked about your treatments of reverts, the ummah is in a mess and things are confusing for us, you dont want to have to answer to losing your patience wijust because i want proper explanations with reasoning explained, so please fear allah and be like brother
Nomadic who always maintains a nice pleasant tone when addressing his brother.. Jazak allahu khair
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