question about mehram!!!
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07-18-2011, 12:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
this is what i was taught regarding mahram. please correct me if there are any mistakes
mahrams for a male (you can work out the corresponding relations for a female)
the following seven either through lineage or through suckling
1.mother + all direct female ancesters (grandmother, greatgrandma etc.)
2. daughter + all direct female descendants (granddaughter, great grand daughter etc.)
3. sister (full, half, step or foster)
4. mothers sister
5. fathers sister
6. brother's daughter
7. sisters daughter
also the following through marriage
1. mother-in-law
2. father's other wives
3. daughter-in-law
4. I forget the fourth
what I also learnt was that this list is exclusive
i.e. anybody not in the above, she is not a mahram.
also BTW, are there differences of opinion in the madhahib regarding definitions of mahram ?
جزاكم الله
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