Losing my faith - WARNING: LONG POST
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07-13-2011, 07:19 PM
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Oct 2005
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Other who have more experience Insha Allah can give better advice, but the Original poster's situation seems to be one that needs not only rationally satisfying answers, but also things that will make the heart incline towards Islam.
With respect to the rational side, it is necessary for all of us to understand the basis for the truth of Islam, and why the other religions cannot possibly be true at all, whether they are atheism, christianity or other religions. The knowledge of this will also answer the questions of 'Why would Allah do this to me?' and other similar queries, as far as the mind is concerned. When this is known, we will also know that the hardcore worshipers of other religions are basically atheists to begin with, since the 'gods' they worship have no possibility of existing at all.
When it comes to the heart, the answer is to be in the company of proper Muslims and benefit from them, since this is the manner in which the very many evil deeds committed by all of us can be cleansed. It is obvious that humans are emotional creatures, and sometimes to a fault of not accepting the logical answers and proofs when their heart does not desire it, so the company of Muslims is paramount in this case.
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