Firstly,did I justify the treatment anywhere? Secondly,I was as quiet and as obedient as you can get when I was young.However,I used to get a good damn hiding.In terms of moulding me as a person I think it harmed me.However,I appreciate the hiding.It's 4 years since the last time I read dhor to somebody,yet it's still intact.Also,it's a madressah with 700 students.Not every ustadh is aquinted with every student.Hence the ustadh might have been under the impression that the child was oriented already and was being rebellious.Also he might not have known that there was a nine year old child in the madressah. Thirdly,in those years the country was brutal.The kids(even smaller than 9) were also brutal.In school the guys used to have brutal fights with knuckle-dusters, bricks and bottles and knives and a whole assortment of other street weapons.And to an extent the worst used to end-up in zak-park,because zak-park had a reputation for hiding and for 'fixing' and most that came out,came out rehabbed/much better people.However,all that is history now.I don't know how,but today it's very rare to here of a fight. was salam