To SASLAMS n co.
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09-08-2010, 07:48 PM
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Oct 2005
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Bro SASLAMS requested me to post the following on his behalf (due to his internet being down.)
Before I say anything I would like to openly make taubah & ask the forgiveness of Allah from my part & the part of all those who spoke badly of the a’lim in question. My emotions ran away with me over the past few days. & even though I really don’t like the stuff that comes out of the majlis, as a student I should be like the ground & let the strong & the weak walk upon me. & like the rain in that it rains on all, the pious & the evil.
I just hate it that an a’lim who is not qualified in a certain field decides to read & write papers according to his interpretation of the text. Being a follower & student or scholar of the Hanafi madhab does not make one qualified to pass judgment for the shawafi’. We need to understand the concept of a chain in transmission. Many a time a few rulings are not found in the kitaab but passed down from teacher to student orally & thus not allowing the non shafi’ a’lim in this case to grasp the whole idea. A hanafi a’lim can not pick up a book by Imaam ibn Hajar RA & claim that his interpretation from the book is correct & all the shawafi’ ulama are incorrect. Then we would be just like the salafi/wahabi who pick up a hadith & try to implement it without understanding the entire ruling. In traditional islam are we not of the opinion that knowledge is passed down from Rasulullah SAWS to the sahaba all the way down to the mujtahideen & then all the way down to our teachers & then to us the students, who will pass the inheritance to the next generation? So if an alim did not study under a qualified alim in the madhab how does he just quote randomly from kitaabs. Knowledge is not found in books, you can only inherit from the possessor.
As far as difference in opinion goes. If only all of us understood & implemented this idea. Wallahi the Muslims would be in a much better position. Im sure if the two Schools Berelwi & Deoband were to agree to disagree on some issues we wouldn’t have the major split we have today resembling sectarianism. What were two differences- which should have been respected- were not, turned into an argument, created extremism, which resulted in outright bida’ on one end & intolerance on the other. This is how those of us who are not affiliated to either of the two see it. Our shuyukh always say that they respect both schools & it is up to us, the younger generation to try & bring them together with understanding. Our sheikh wrote a beautiful write up on Ahmad Raza Khan RA & at the same time when visiting India lives in the house of the Amir of the tabligh (sorry I don’t know his name), our sheikh’s father wrote the index for hayatus sahabah as he was good friends with the respected author- & we all know that the father of habib Umar as habib Umar & all the other ulama of the region are all people of mauled. This is a perfect example of respecting differences in opinion, not the stuff that we see in Darul ulooms & circles of ulama bodies today- where people have to defend their madhab.
-still on difference of opinion. I remember clearly in one of the publications of the majlis that it was stated that the MJC is suppose to be shafi’ but they don’t even know the ruling of slaughter according to their own madhab. They say that it mandoob when it is wajib to say the basmallah. Now you quoted in other threads Ibn naqib alMisri Ra. In his kitaab he mentions that it is mandoob at the time of slaughter. However I don’t think that you would find a Shafi’ who would not recite the basmallah, because the ulmah kept the hukum away from the general public out of rahmah in that other madhabs hold it as wajib. It’s the same with the leadership in salah-beard is not an issue with shafi’s but the elected imam always grows his beard for the sake of rahmah with our brothers the ahnaaf.
I would like you to check the same majlis pages about the fatwa on cutting hair for ladies. In the article there is a scholar who is referred to as the deviant. Or just do a google search for Moulan turned sheikh. This is how ml Taha keran is described in one publication for allowing a woman to cut her hair for the sake of relieving tension causing migraines. When the words moulana turned sheikh is use to describe his skill in deriving a ruling we need to understand what is really being said. Ml Taha is one of the best students if not the best student ever to complete at deoban- academically. he ran away from the madrasah to avoid the graduation ceremony & found himself in Egypt studying again before returning to SA . So ml turned sheikh is saying that he left his deoband masalak for the relaxed Egyptian masalak.
I don’t know about the rest of the SF brothers & sisters but it seems as if you saying that South Africa was totally upside down as far as deen is concerned before the majlis came on to the scene. Are you speaking for the ahnaaf here or for muslims in general because I can tell you either way you wrong. None of the books that we were taught from in the maktab came from the majlis, I don’t know about the ahnaaf though, maybe the ahnaaf of SA could comment. You are saying that all the ulama before 1970 were not doing their jobs right, or there were no a’lims at all & the people were stuck in ghaflah. I for one did not learn ghusal, aqeedah & salah from the majlis & I doubt every hanafi in SA would agree with you. Im not saying that nobody benefited from the Mufti & the majlis & may Allah reward him for his effort. We just need to remember that we can’t go general on this because it’s as if there were no true muslims before the majlis, meaning that all our grandparents & great grandparents & our bidati ancestors (for those of us who have muslim roots in SA going further than 300 years) are all heading for jahannam due to their bidah & ghaflah, after all they had sound knowledge before they came here.
Ya akhi I didn’t say that you should not consider a particular scholar- if the majlis is your cup of tea then so be it but don’t make their ruling on an issue the ruling for the ummah. & just to tell you that the book written by ibn Naqib RA only uses the word makroo for woman using the masjid. Now if we understood the shafi’ madhab makroo mean jaiz but disliked. But still jaiz. For younger women & more attractive women there is a tendency that leads towards haraam if not haraam. But in this present day could we hold a ruling like that since the men & woman do not share the same floor anymore in most cases.
On the use of “vark vleis” guys vark vleis, for those of you who don’t know, is Afrikaans for pig meat. Muslims don’t use the word vark unless they are speaking Afrikaans. Its worse than saying pig-even Afrikaans muslims call them Porkies just to be a bit polite. On articles the ulama of SANHA were accuses of feeding the muslims “vark vleis” - & it was an English article- & to use this in an Eglish article is just like swearing. Any muslim would find that word really ugly & disrespectful on a scholarly article. The ulama send out mails to the public defaming other scholars & the recipients send them to their contact lists. & then the whole world knows that Ml Nawlaki wears a petticoat under his kurta. Know you tell me if that is the behavior of our ulama what character are we suppose to adopt. & then we wonder why kids in madrasah can tell an a’lim that you must do what we say because we pay you to be here, we wonder why people have no respect for the ulamah.
I noticed that the chicken thing was mentioned. Well the claim against sanha is that it is not possible to slaughter 48 chickens in a minute. Well it is possible for one man to slaughter ten on track moving the chicken for him, Maybe more. The men slaughtering, slaughter in groups & thus can easily slaughter the 48. To claim something haraam without real proof, using a cheap scandal about supervisors resigning because the chickens are haraam is baseless especially if the supervisor came on to the public radio to say that the chickens are halaal & he left for personal reasons.
I would like to once again ask for my forgiveness firstly & on behalf of anyone who slandered the respected mufti. May Allah forgive us. The way I behaved is not the character of a student of the habaib who exercise tolerance within their madhab/manhaj & with the other madhabs. A friend of mine who is a student of Ml Taha told me that even though Ml Taha was disrespect & criticized by the majlis we should still respect the mufti for his great humbleness & islaah.
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