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Old 09-14-2010, 01:40 PM   #37

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Im sorry but I dont think you know the entire story. as far as the ulama body & supervisor at the slaughter house in question are concerned. there are two groups of slaughteres. each group slaughters for 15-20 min then takes a rest for 15-20 min while the other group slaughters. I dont know where you get the number from, maybe Im wrong-but I know that it isnt more than one 100 per min for the whole group of 15.

anyone that has seen a chicken will know that it doesnt take much to cut the head off with the first cut. so the statement of not cutting proper is baseless. if they wanted they could have just choped the head off with a cleaver-it is only makroo & still makes the meat halaal.

not animal is stuned in SA, maybe in non muslim slaughter house they stunned but not with halaal meat. i dont know where you heard that. however some ulama have said that it is permissable as long as the animal does not die.

even if you chop a chickens head off it will still start flapping. have you never been to an udhiyah-sometimes the sheep thats head is hanging from a piece of skin starts kicking after being dead for 10 min. I think you should go to a farm & see for yourself.

its not about being a fan. but we dont make haraam what is halaal. I dont think Ml Desai was at any of the farms in JHB to actualy see for himself.

does anyone know about the law suit. is it over.
bro,it's no use going into this argument.let's agree to far as I'm concerned there was evidence to prove otherwise.the court case is ongoing.
I think it would do you good if you consider the viewpoints of each side from their original sources.The following might help:

was salaam
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