Ibn Arabi & Mansur Hallaj
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10-06-2010, 06:03 AM
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Oct 2005
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Not to start about sheikh ibn arabi, but no deobandi scholar i am aware of advocates 'all' his teachings. The controversial issues he raised have been refuted by ulema e deoband. Refuted with respect, they say he erred in his understanding.
As far as I am aware 'all' deobandi scholars advise to stay away from reading sheikh ibn arabi's books if you are a layman.
There are certain beliefs thats sheikh ibn arabi held that are outright wrong, one is the term 'withaal', which is a word in urdu. Sheikh Ibn arabi was of the belief that the soul of the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhi Wassalam would reunite with Allah after his demise, but that is incorrect because Allah is wahid, one, and he has no partner. Our ulema e deoband seem to have used the term 'withaal' also in many books but they used it without understanding the history behind the term withaal, the word comes from Sheikh Ibn Arabi's maslak and I was told that it is wrong. If you wish to know more please consult a mufti who is well versed in aqeedah.
With regards to Manur al Hallaj, then as far as i know no deobandi scholar (at least on paper) calls him a kafir. If anything the deobandi scholars who are well versed in tassawuf always try to justify his actions. I believe there was something written about Mianji Nurmuhammad Jhinjanvi (Sheikh of Haji saheb) that he also went through the same as Mansur al Hallaj but he didnt say a word and continued like that for a period of 6 months. What Mansur al Hallaj went through was a state.
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